Finally managed and filter all the Genting photos! A grand total of 400+ photos taken over a span of 2 days and filtered down to 115 photos just to blog! I was in camp with my Air force mates and we randomly thought of going somewhere for a weekend getaway. First choice was Batam after looking at some deals online, but after much consideration, we decided to go Genting! 2 days 1 night trip! :D

Honestly, it's quite crazy to go Genting over the weekends because #1: We booked out from camp at 5pm on Friday and our coach is at 10.30pm. 5 hours to prepare. #2: Coach back to SG on Sunday is at 12pm, and we have to book in back to camp the following night! How crazy can it get! LOL

Everyone still manged to make it in time and we went to Golden Mile to have Thai dinner!

Everyone filling up the white card for immigration while waiting for our food to arrive!

Delicious pineapple rice and a few other dishes. Their thai food is not bad! 2nd time there (:

Self-handwritten receipt by the stall. Manual calculation.

Group photo before boarding the bus! Total of 9 of us. (Ben went to the toilet!)

Got my passport stamped! Went Batam not long ago, and now Genting! Phuket in October!

Perhaps the only photo that you can find me awake! I took 2 motion sickness pills before i board the bus and it's so strong that i could feel the drowsiness effect like 15 mins later! Fell asleep after the M'sia checkpoint. The next thing i know, we came to a stop for a toilet break and some food...

Spotted Wringley's chewing gum! Bought 5 sticks to bring around throughout the 2 days!

This waffle store have been here for AGES! At least for the past 5 to 6 years! Cheap and nice! ♥

Jacky, Me and Chris! 1 pc of waffle for RM1.90 only, i think original is the best :D

After the 20 mins pit stop break, i fell asleep once again on the bus (Thanks to the motion sickness pills) and i slept all the way. The next time i knew, i was already in Genting! This is the first time my journey to Genting has been so smooth! It's like literally closing your eyes and the next thing you arrived at your destination! I choked on the air when i arrive because of the air pressure -__-

Group photo upon reaching Genting. It was super cold because we arrived at 5am in the morning!

17 degrees at Genting.

We could only check in at 3pm, we left our luggage at the lobby while we go look for breakfast...

There were Burger King, KFC, Mcdonalds but we ended up at MarryBrown.

Some of the food that they ordered. Early in the morning 5am eat nasi lemak!

My breakfast! ♥

Photo with Matthew the boy who can literally sleep anywhere!

Photo with Jeffery! He very enthu about appearing on my blog, LOLOLOLOL It's also because of him i'm spending my weekend editing photos and blogging this post out. Thanks ah Jeffery ;)

#Random photo of Genting indoor. Nothing much changed since the last time i was here though.

Test shot #1: Decided to take another group photo! This time with our RED passport!

The above photo was (almost) perfect, until i realised Martin's transformer passport cover is BLUE! Had to photoshop it Red so that it looks complete. Quite obvious which is the "blue" passport right?
By the time we finish our breakfast and walk around, went into the casino for a look, it was around 7.30am so we decided to head to the themepark which opens at 8am! The usual price for the themepark tickets is around RM62 but we purchased it online and it was only half the price! (Y)
By the time we finish our breakfast and walk around, went into the casino for a look, it was around 7.30am so we decided to head to the themepark which opens at 8am! The usual price for the themepark tickets is around RM62 but we purchased it online and it was only half the price! (Y)

Took photos with the sun against for chio effects while waiting for the themepark to be opened!

8am: We are in the themepark! First customer of the day!

Love the natural lighting that day. Minimal photoshop was done to the photos ♥

Photo with oddball. (That's his nickname by the way)

Came across several of these game stores and was enticed by the HUGE teddy bears!

It seem like the easiest game in the entire world...

4 balls. Just throw them into the big pail. 3 balls for a medium prize, 4 balls for the jumbo prize. Sounds like the easiest game but guess what? We didn't win despite trying a few million times! Each time was RM6! Only until the end we realised how the stall keepers try to trick us. Waste $$ -.-

PIRATE SHIP!!! No photo of us on the other side because none of them have camera with them!

Once again, Jeffery! 小 Happy for him to appear again, LOLOLOLOL

Next up, we went for Go kart! I remember the last time i came, i had to queue for damn long just for that 5 min ride. But since we are super early, we didn't have to wait very long! YAYYYYYYYYY

I seriously wonder what i was thinking that made me laugh so happily, LOL

Up next: The corkscrew roller coaster!

Only 7 of them taking the ride. Me and oddball decided to opt out, LOL

I have been to Genting for so many times but this is one of the rides i refuse to take. Freakin' Scary.

Next up: Space Shot! Before we went to Genting, i already told everyone that i die die also won't take the Space shot ride because of my height phobia. Call me scaredy cat or anything i also will accept! I just won't go up that ride! Literally Nothing can make me go up and freak myself out.

Once again, the 7 of them went up the ride. LOL

Secretly bought Mini donuts to enjoy while they are on the space shot. Only a few of them know!

They were like telling me how exhilarating and fun the ride is and i won't regret the feeling. It's like a must try when people come to Genting themepark. But it's still a No for me. Then they ask me to choose between the Corkscrew and the Spaceshot. That's when i accidentally blurt out, "I rather take the spaceshot then that roller coaster lor!" Oh wells, the next thing i know...

I'm queuing up to take the space shot, peer pressure -__-

Bye Bye.
It felt like forever to reach the top.
I couldn't enjoy the beautiful scenery because specs was not allowed.
I couldn't scream because there was no time to react.
But damn, it was really exhilarating!
I couldn't enjoy the beautiful scenery because specs was not allowed.
I couldn't scream because there was no time to react.
But damn, it was really exhilarating!

The rest using my EX1 camera to camwhore while i was on the ride but guess what? They are not used to my camera. Everyone in the photo end up looking at the screen instead of the lens! Throughout the trip, i have to keep constantly remind them whenever i take group photos! LOLOLOL

Standing ovation for the brave one! MUAHAHA

It's not that scary after all!!! (Come down already can say anything i want, AHAHHAHA)

Wei Feng and me! By the way, it's not that cold in Genting in the morning...

Came across another game stall. This is purely by luck, not by skill or anything.

The super heng me managed to get 2 teddy bears! Gave one to my buddy :D

Approached a random stranger to take a group photo for us!

Last ride of the day! Btw, award winning photo alert! MUAHAHA

Super happy that i managed to win 2 teddy bears! You have no idea how much we spent on those game stalls! I think got around 50+ SGD if we total up everyone's spending!

Even though it sound like i already spent the whole day at Genting, it was only 2 plus when we left the themepark. Check into our hotel at around 3pm! To be continued in Part 2!