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Do checkout the unbelievable sales items today! Other than shopping, there are 2 things you should totally do! #1: Grab the 5% discount coupon and use it when you checkout your cart. #2: Every time you spend $5 and above, apply for a chance to win the Samsung Galaxy S3! I'm off to explore the irresistible deals! Who knows i might win the Galaxy S3! :D
Let me have a show of hands how many of you are aware that there's a Qoo10 app on both the app store as well as on the android market? Well, you are not the only ones. Most of my friends thought they can only shop from Qoo10 through the website but i'm telling you now, THERE'S AN APP FOR IT! Is it good news or bad news to most of you? LOLOLOLOL

The good news is that you can now easily have access to Qoo10 on the go through your phone 24/7, and the "bad" news is that, most likely you will be spending more money doing online shopping! Sometimes before i sleep, i will browse through some of the special deals through the app and so far, i unknowingly bought 3 items on 3 different nights! :|

There was one particular night whereby i randomly though of buying a stylus pen to use on my iPod touch and iPad (especially to play the "Draw Something" game!) so i decided to do a quick search on my Qoo10 app:

Most of the stylus pen on Qoo10 cost between the range of $2.50 to the more expensive ones at even $12 (which is a combination of a real pen and a stylus, quite cool though.) But as i was browsing the group buy section where you can get certain items at a much cheaper price if they hit a certain amount of purchase, this group buy item caught my eye:

I was quite skeptical at first when i first saw the deal. The deal was, if i get the Micro USB cable at $1.60, i would get 2 FREE gifts - a stylus (that i wanted) and a photo charm aka dust cap. In my mind i was thinking, "Where got so good deal one!" I then went on to read the reviews (Remember my tip from the previous Qoo10 post? READ THE REVIEWS!)

APPARENTLY IT'S TRUE!!! BUY 1 GET 2 FREE, MUST BUY! /kiasu Singaporean
From the reviews, apparently the deal is really true. After adding the delivery fee, the total price adds up to just $2.60 which i thought was quite reasonable! (Taking into account that i wanted to get only a stylus at first!) I can just take it that i'm buying the stylus at $2.60 which is considered cheap + 2 FREE gifts + it's FAST delivery, YAYYY! /inception

I would say it's a breeze using the app to do my purchase, all i had to do was to input my details and i'm done within 5 mins. It's very easy to navigate with just 5 important tabs at the bottom of the screen. It's like the whole Q0010 website packed into this app! But of course there are definitely limitations, that one i leave it to yourself to find out (:

MY ITEMS RECEIVED WITHIN 3 DAYS! All packed nicely with even a little Thank you note ♥

Playing "Draw Something" on my iPad is now so much easier with a stylus!

Gave my mum the FREE phone charm to my mum to hang on her iPhone! ♥
Before i end this post, i would like to share with you guys something called the RouletteQ on the Qoo10 website! If you log on to Qoo10 everyday like me, do not waste this chance to reward yourself. All you have to do is "check in" every day to collect a stamp and a chance on the RouletteQ! Spin the wheel to win rewards such as coupons, Q-stamps etc.

Accumulate your daily stamps to get rewarded as well! I just got 3 bonus G-Stamps for checking in 5 days!
If you think you can only "check in" once through the Qoo10 website, you are wrong!

I was exploring the app and i saw this "Q-chance" option and i realised i can also check in on the app and each day i get a chance to draw a $1 coupon! Not only that, the 5th time i check in, i can draw a $5 coupon, the 10th time - a $10 coupon and on the 15th time, 3 chances to win a Longchamp bag! Just for checking in, how easy can it be? (:
Psst, i got something else for my iPad, just waiting for it to arrive!

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Just wanna say thanks to those who have been voting for me everyday! ♥